Unexpected event occurs as APPNA's seven bus caravan attempts to go from Agra to Fatehpur Sikri

Previous night had seen hail storm killing livestock in the area. The farmers wanted compensation which they felt entitled to. Fearing
that the Indian Government would ignore them, they blockaded the highway leading the APPNA buses to come to stand still. The tourists
pour out into the country side and try to see life in the slow lane. In the right are heaps of dung cakes used for fire.

After initial bashfulness the village women were curious to find out folks that emerged from the air conditioned buses which would pass
besides their village at high speed. APPNA tourists second from right poses with the womenfolk of the village. The villagers had never
seen a Pakistani before and to see 7 buses worth was an unusual event in their lives.

Meanwhile life continued on the road with the bullocks being the beast of burden carry out huge loads. Some tourists ventured to the businesses
on the distant.

(L-R) Dr. Ayesha Khan, Dr.Zeenat Anwar and Dr.Sumaira Shaikh overcome by the heat and village aromas cover their faces

APPNA tourists become unexpectedly the recipients of the villager's firyaad ( pleadings ). Seeing video cameras and badges which
press corps usually wear, the villagers use this occasion to plead their case. It did not matter that these were Pakistanis here for touring only.
Dr. Arain's sympathetic hearing engendered a connection and we soon learned why the villagers had blocked the road.

APPNA India Trip Page 8