Avoiding getting lost often meant spotting this umbrella held by Dr. M. Shahid Yousuf. Many credited their group's arrival and survival by following this umbrella

One one occasion the guide seemed lost in Rome. Using her cell phone she located herself and our bus. Photo shows Dr. Mushtaq Sharif mildly amused.  Dr. Khawla Khan between him and the guide is puzzled. To the immediate left lower corner Dr. Asim Malik grabs his chin pondering his next move. Helen next to the wall is bored while Mrs.Majda Ansari (lower right in dark shades) in  a side bar discusses the situation.

Another impossible sight. A street performer stands perfectly still though seeming lunging forward with his tie flying over his left shoulder. To the left Dr. Rooh Afza Afridi is amused  and seems to be taking out money to compensate the performer. In center Dr. Shabbir Safdar approaches closer to see if the man is alive or not. To the right keeping his distance Dr. Sajid Chaudhry examines him from all sides. A bottle in the basket to the left on ground is for him to sip fluids. The basket itself is for collections.

Dr. Mohammad Suleman expresses curiosity in this common mini two seater car.

Unable to resist the impulse, Dr. Mohammad Suleman gets close and personal with another fancy two seater.

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