APPNA Doctors House of Detroit was established by Dr. Majid Aized. This residence serves to facilitate and further the medical education of doctors. The successful functioning of this facility is largely possible of volunteers under the able leadership and guidance of Dr. Majid. APPNA members have funded many of its activities.
Studying for the Clinical Exams due in one week
APPNA Doctors' House of Detroit
With Detroit skyline in the back ground, the candidates
study for exams on the 18th floor of Cathedral Towers Photo shows on right fore ground
Dr. Jibran Ahmad tutoring Dr. Jawad Bilal and conducting a mock exam
It late in the day and most of the candidates have retreated to their rooms but
those still willing to put in extra effort linger in the
common room.
Another set of students go over the their questions and answers. Above left
Dr. Tahir Niazi and on right Dr.Amir Dogar
Above Left to Right Dr. Awais Aftab and Dr. Ali Ghani
Foreground (left to Right ) Dr. Amer Dogar, Dr. Ali Ghani and Dr. Awais Aftab
Background Standing Dr. Junaid, Sitting Dr. Qazi